🦅 SWOOP SCOOP 10/17🦅


The PTA calendar is updated, please be sure to check it regularly for all upcoming events! >> Calendar

Wow! There is so much going on in the Garden these next weeks! Please be sure to check the FEED regularly! There are so many ways to donate and involved!!

EAGLE PALOOZA THIS SATURDAY October 19th from 2-4pm
Eden Gardens Playground
Join us this Saturday, October 19th for our 2024 Eagle Palooza Fall Carnival! This event is sponsored by the PTA to celebrate our students and families at Eden Gardens. This means that everything is free (except the Happy Belly truck)!!

Starting at 2pm sharp, the fun includes a 52' inflatable obstacle course, inflatable jousting ring, Velcro wall, 3-lane bungee run, carnival games, photo booth, face painting, balloon animals, a caricature artist, and Happy Belly will be selling Italian Ice.

The weather is forecast for Saturday is set with a high of 80 degrees, so get ready for a Louisiana fall with the PTA and help us celebrate in the Garden!



It's time to win that CARPOOL FAST PASS or TEACHER FEATURE!!



⭐Harvest Hustle

Registration for Harvest Hustle has begun! Harvest Hustle is one of the PTA's biggest fundraisers! Students will run laps to earn cash for our PTA on November 1st! REGISTER HERE, follow the steps on the website, and SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!


⭐Boo Bags are still on SALE!

Halloween is near 🎃👻 Let us do the work and send your child’s treats to their classmates! Boo Bags are on sale until Friday October 25!

EXTRA ORDER FORMS in the office or email sarahjhutcherson@gmail.com


🌸 CHECK IN WITH YOUR FAVORITE 5th GRADER to purchase pansies for this winter! It is a fantastic deal and the pansies are beautiful! They are $25 for a flat ORDERS DUE BY OCTOBER 30th! Pick up will be Saturday, November 9th from 9am - 12pm at Garrison's Home and Garden (6905 Greenwood Rd) or coordinate with who you order from for pick up!



⭐Pumpkin Shine NEXT WEEK!

🎃Pumpkin Shine on Line🎃 is this Tuesday, Oct 22 from 4-8pm! Our 3rd graders have been “Carving Out Time to Read” and have created some cute pumpkins for all to see! Our cheerleaders will be performing at 6:40pm, and the pep squad will be performing right before them. Don’t miss out on this fun community event!!


⭐Office Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to help in the office! If you’d like to volunteer in the office this month, sign up here!


Mark your calendar for the next PTA Meeting Oct 30th @ 1pm


📍Friday, October 18th - AR Treat Day

📍Friday, October 18th - Free Dress for PTA Membership Drive Winners

📍Saturday, October 19th - Fall Carnival 2-4pm

📍Tuesday, October 22nd - Pumpkin Shine on Line

📍Friday, October 25th - Last Day to Purchase Boo Bags

📍Wednesday, October 30th - PTA Meeting 1pm Library

📍Wednesday, October 30th - Due date for Pansy Sales

📍Friday, November 1st - HARVEST HUSTLE FUN RUN