📅 October calendar is updated! Click "Events" to see all the upcoming events. Also, don't forget to scroll through the "Live Feed" and "News" to keep up to date on all school and PTA information! 

⭐️Join the EGM Cross Country Run Team! EGM Run Team is open to grades 2-5. Practice starts October 3rd. Practice will be held on Tuesday immediately following school 3:30 to 4:30* students must be picked up promptly at 4:30. Click the link for more information and to register >> Run Team Sign Up

⭐️Don't forget to join the PTA by October 6th to help win a pizza party or crazy sock day for your child's class. Remember anyone can join the PTA - grandparents, parents and even just friends of EGM! Below are current top 10 classes! 


1. Padgett (K) - 143%

2. Hayes (K) - 127% 

3. Chandler (2nd) - 114%

4. Pierce (2nd) - 91%

5. Lopez (3rd) - 89%

6. Minton (K) - 82%

7. Ginn (2nd) - 77%

8. Brown (5th) - 76%

9. Milligan (1st) - 73%

10. Griffies (K) - 68% 


📍October 3rd - Harvest Hustle Boost-a-thon registration begins! This a huge fundraiser for our school, so be on the lookout for more information soon! 

📍October 4th - EGM OPEN HOUSE

Help us spread the word to any prospective families you may know! 

📍October 6th - AR Cutoff

📍October 17th - Pumpkin Shine on Line (3rd - 5th grade) Be on the lookout for more information soon.